Plano de estudo: CKA

Wed, Jan 13, 2021 6-minute read

Pesquisando como me preparar para certificação encontrei esse repositório no github, esse post vai ser apenas para trazer por aqui e servir como guia para as próximas semanas:

Nesse repositorio é onde que fica a informação mais atual sobre qual versão do kubernetes a prova será aplicada prova, então bora me preparar para a versão 1.19 do Kubernetes!

GO Capivara Go: CKA!

Cluster Architecture, Installation & Configuration (25%)

Helpful commands:

# Display addresses of the master and services
kubectl cluster-info

# Dump current cluster state to stdout
kubectl cluster-info dump

# Check health of cluster components
kubectl get componentstatuses

# List the nodes
kubectl get nodes

# Show metrics for a given node
kubectl top node my-node

# List all pods in all namespaces, with more details
kubectl get pods -o wide --all-namespaces

# List all services in all namespaces, with more details
kubectl get svc  -o wide --all-namespaces

Workloads & Scheduling (15%)

Services & Networking (20%)

Storage (10%)

Troubleshooting (30%)

CKA Preparation Courses

kubectl Ninja

Tip: Use kubectl Cheatsheet during the exam. You don’t need to decorate everything.

Useful commands or parameters during the exam:

# Use "kubectl describe" for related events and troubleshooting
kubectl describe pods <podid>

# Use "kubectl explain" to check the structure of a resource object.
kubectl explain deployment --recursive

## Add "-o wide" in order to use wide output, which gives you more details.
kubectl get pods -o wide

## Check always all namespaces by including "--all-namespaces"
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces

Generate a manifest template from imperative spec using the output option “-o yaml” and the parameter “–dry-run”:

# create a service
kubectl create service clusterip my-service --tcp=8080 --dry-run -o yaml

# create a deployment
kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx --dry-run -o yaml

# create a pod
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --restart=Never --dry-run -o yaml

Create resources using kubectl + stdin instead of creating them from manifest files. It helps a lot and saves time. You can use the output of the command above and modify as required:

cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -

It saves lots of time, believe me.

Kubectl Autocomplete

source <(kubectl completion bash)


Practice a lot with Kubernetes:

CKA Tips

Some links that contain tips that might help you from different perspectives of the CKA exam.